This section provides the database of articles and videos to help our Clients and Partners understand our business better. Check out the links below, all materials are carefully researched and selected. Enjoy reading and watching!
A funny but informative video on relationship of Vendors and Clients:
The vendor-client relationship
Nice article for making a better decision if it worth going with outsourcing:
Benefits and pitfalls of outsourcing
Interesting article on the riskiest cities for outsourcing with detailed breakdown of vital for factors for each city:
25 riskiest cities for outsourcing
Article on what is outsourcing and reasons to go offshore:
What is outsourcing and reasons to outsource
Great video to explain the recent trend of cloud computing:
Very good article on how to select telemarketing provider:
Article on main reasons on making a decision to outsource:
Top 6 reasons to go outsourcing
Article on picking the mobile device and the platform:
Great article on reasons to use Facebook, Twitter or other social media for business:
Top 6 reasons to use social media for business
Social networking website and their number of users: